“The Christian Prepper’s Hand Book”  Book Review



The Christian Prepper’s Handbook” by Zion Prepper is a great guide book for those who are just starting out in prepping. The author has covered all of the basics in an easy to remember manner. Beginners often find prepping to be overwhelming. This book simplifies prepping to three basic categories of Food/Water, Heat/Shelter, and Protection. Zion Prepper has broken down preparedness into easy to swallow bites.

Each chapter of the book  begins with a quote from the original survival manual, The Bible. The book also covers some great uses of herbs as home remedies. To list a few:

Basil: Can be used as an antibacterial and anti- inflammatory.

Chamomile: Can be used to relax muscles, relieve stress, and aid in healing from burns and wounds.

Cilantro: An immune system booster and will relieve gas. ( I guess that is why they use so much of it in Mexican Food)

Dill: Helps prevent cancer.

Oregano: Alleviates diarrhea and constipation as well as relieves headaches.

Zion Prepper talks a lot about his own journey in becoming a prepper. He states that he began to see the need to prepping on 9/11. He relates a story from Upstate NY after 9/11. During the panic, one gas station attendant abandoned his station. He locked up the station but left the pumps on. The only people who were able to get gas were those with credit cards who could pay at the pump. We often advise people to always have cash in case of power outages, but this is a good example of needing a variety of solutions to cover different scenarios.

Like Prepper Recon, The Prepper’s Handbook advocates the use of coupons to build your stockpile and reserve monetary resources to be saved or used on other preps. This is the one thing everyone can do. No matter how limited your budget is, you can take advantage of coupons to buy a little extra each time you go to the grocery. Check out our Coupon Corner for sites that will do all of the work for you. They will tell you what is on sale and where to get the coupons to match up with the sales.

The Christian Prepper’s Handbook ” would make a great Christmas gift for your family or friends that you are trying to get on board with prepping. It is also a great resource for beginning preppers. The book is available from Amazon through the link on the right. You can also check out Zion Preppers YouTube channel for some great prepping tips.

Happy Prepping!