Bug Out Location as an Investment

If any of you listen to The Survival Podcast, or TSP for short, you are probably familiar with their mission. Jack Spirko, the man behind TSP says at the beginning of each show that he is trying to bring you a better life if times get tough or even if they don’t. I think this is such a smart approach to prepping. We try to work it into every aspect of our preps. We buy the same foods for our long term food storage that we eat every day. My wife is in charge of this area of our preps. She uses coupons in such a way that we spend less buy stocking up on sale items than if we were to just buy what we need, when we need it. You can learn more about couponing in Mrs. Recon’s Coupon Corner. The effect is we have a better life if times get tough or even if they don’t. We maintain a 6 month food supply for 2 people at a cost of $50 a week or less.

We are also applying this principle in shopping for our Bug Out Location. As we comb realtor.com for good deals on a secluded retreat, we consider how we can profit from the bug out location between the time we purchase it and the end of the world as we know it( teotwawki). We try to look for an area that we can have some livestockĀ  and a descent size garden. We also look for a property with established woodlands. If the bug out location can serve as a vacation home, that provides a great value. Since we live near the beach, our favorite place to get away is the mountains. We will not live there full time for now, so we are looking for a property that has enough trees to produce a small income from timber sales.

Millionaire investor Jim Rogers has long advocated farming and farmland as the investment of the future. The developing world is eating more grain intensive meat. Each pound of beef requires about 6 pounds of grain to produce. This is causing an ever increasing strain on global food production. Jim Rogers predicts it will be the farmers who are driving the Lamborghinis in the near future. While this prediction may be a bit tongue in cheek, the point is farm land is a limited resource and we are not making any more of it.

In this video from The Daily Ticker on Yahoo, Lester Brown, author of the new book Full Planet, Empty Plate discusses why he thinks food is the new oil and land is the new gold. Not only can a bug out location provide you a means of providing for yourself in case of a systemic break down, it is also very likely to hold or gain value over the near term future.



Read our 7 StepĀ  Preparedness Plan to help decide where on your list of priorities a bug out location will fall. Make sure you have your budget, beans and bullets squared away before considering a large purchase like a bug out location.