Are We on the Precipice of Boston Massacre 2.0?

range war

If you are not aware of the Cliven Bundy fight going on in Nevada right now, it deserves your attention. Essentially, the Bureau of Land Management, a Federal Agency has once again overstepped their Constitutional jurisdiction and are attempting to dictate to the states and citizens of states how they must live their lives. This dispute is over Cliven Bundy’s right to graze his cattle on public land. He has established rights through beneficial use, rights he has purchased and rights recorded with the state of Nevada. Where in the Constitution is the Federal Government granted rights to possess land in sovereign states?

The link below will take you to a video of protestors and BLM agents in a stand off. I did not embed the video due to the language used in the video which is not consistent with the content of Nevertheless, it is important to know what is happening as this is a similar situation that America saw on March 5th 1770 in Boston. A group of British soldiers fired on a group of protestors at the Boston Customs House and the event became a major flash point in the American Revolutionary War.

Click here to view the recent stand off between the BLM and the patriot protestors taking a stand against an oppressive federal government.


Below are a few videos related to the story.