Demise of The Constitution


Last month, an active duty US Army soldier took his son for a 10 mile hike to earn his Boy Scout merit badge for the hike. As the area is very rural, it is not uncommon to come across wild hogs, coyotes or even cougars. The soldier, C.J. Grisham, took his AR-15 rifle along for the hike to defend against such predatory beast. Someone saw them hiking and called the police. The police approached them and forcefully disarmed them. The following video is the footage of the horrendous violation of this man’s constitutional rights. After being lied to by the police, CJ is arrested in front of his son. All through the arrest, the officer assures him that they are simply going to make sure he legally owns the gun and then he can be on his way. At the end of the ordeal, however, he is arrested for resisting arrest. You will see that while C.J. did not allow himself to be bullied, he never resisted any of the officers request. The only thing he resisted was the urge to roll over and surrender his rights without question.

 The Unlawful Arrest of an American Soldier

As I watched this video, I thought to myself, “What part of New York did this happen in?”. It did not happen in New York. It did not happen in California, or Illinois. It did not happen in Cuba, Massachusetts or North Korea. This happened in Texas. Texas has long been looked up to the liberty minded individuals as being the last bastion of freedom. When we think of Texas, we think of Ron Paul and the heritage of America. If we allow Texas to go the way of the police state, all hope is lost. We must rally together around this battle. We cannot afford to give up more ground. If you live in Texas, please write every lawmaker that represents you. If not, C.J. has set up a fund to fight this charge. Please share this video and this post with all of your friends who love liberty.

Not only were C.J.’s 2nd amendment rights trampled, but he was also denied his first amendment rights as this is obviously retribution to questioning the authority of the police to harass him. His fourth amendment right are also violated on the video as you see all of personal effects rummaged through like a common criminal. After this man has dedicated his life to serve in the Army, he is treated more like a terrorist than the hero that he is. I wish this was an anomaly, but it is becoming the rule more often that the exception. I appreciate and respect the risk that police officers take when they vow to keep us safe, but they have to do their duty within the confines of the Constitution. If not, what law are they enforcing? The Constitution is the very foundation of our entire legal system. Without it, we are just making it up as we go along. That is a very slippery slope.

We hope to have C.J. on the Prepper Recon Podcast next week so keep checking back. It promises to be a great interview.

Click HERE to help C.J. Grisham

Happy Prepping!