movie night

Tonight’s movie is the accelerated version of Chris Martenson’s Crash Course. I encourage everyone to check out Chris’ website, He has some great guests and has a very good understanding of the challenges we will be facing in the near future. Chris is a little left leaning. No, not Mother Jones, MSNBC left leaning; give me a little credit. You have to understand, by my definition, “left leaning” even covers most everyone on FOX News.  That being said, when you find someone with some good ideas that don’t line up perfectly with your ideology, eat the grapes and spit out the seeds.

Our  Individual First Aid Kits! are now on sale! $89 includes shipping! They have everything you need to address traumatic wounds from a gun fight or car accident.  It is equipped with an Israeli Battle Dressing, Quikclot, Asherman Chest Seal, Nasopharngeal Airway, TK4 tourniquet and lots of extras. Click here for more info! This kit could save your life!

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Happy Prepping!