
On February 7th, 2016, North Korea launched a 2nd KMS satellite into orbit. Former CIA analyst and Congressional EMP Commission expert, Dr. Peter Pry, believes these two satellites may contain a warhead developed for the specific purpose of a super EMP attack against the United States. On today’s show, I discuss the new threat and provide some practical steps for you to prepare now for such an event.

HERE is the link to watch the video on my hand pump setup that was added to my existing well head.

Click HERE for book giveaway details!

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In Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt, Book One: Behold Darkness and Sorrow, Daniel Walker begins having prophetic dreams about the judgment coming upon America for rejecting God’s Word. Through one of his dreams, Daniel learns of an imminent threat of an electromagnetic pulse attack which will wipe out America’s electric grid, sending the country into a technological dark age. Municipal water services, retail food distribution, police, fire, EMS and all emergency services will come to a screeching halt. If they want to live, Daniel and his friends must focus on faith, wits and preparation to be ready . . .  before the lights go out.


Cati Armor offers affordable body armor including level III trauma plates made of AR-500 steel which can endure multiple rounds from pistols and rifles up to 7.62 NATO. There plates are available with Rhino Linings coating to reduce spall.


I use JM Bullion because they have the lowest over-spot price of any dealer I have found for silver and gold bullion. JM Bullion now offers free shipping on every order!

Ready Made Resources is a trusted name in the prepper community, because they’ve been around for 18 years. They offer great prices on Night Vision, water filtration, long term storage food, solar energy components and provide free technical service. Get ready for an uncertain future at!

God bless and happy prepping!
