Congratulations to the winner of the Seven Seals Giveaway, James W. Prairie!
I hope you and your family are doing well and that your new year is off to a good start. As for me, I continue to prepare for the nightmarish reality that the globalists, like those at the World Economic Forum, have in store for us.
In 2020, at the onslaught of COVID, the WEF posted a video on YouTube predicting what the world would be like in 2030. The video has been removed by the WEF from YouTube, but can still be found on the WEF’s Facebook page where it was originally posted in 2016. If you haven’t seen it, you can find it by googling “world economic forum video 8 predictions for the world in 2030”. Then scroll down until you find the Facebook result.
The first prediction is that you’ll own nothing and be happy. Since 2020, inflation has skyrocketed, particularly for things like food and housing. We all feel it. Several of our friends that were comfortable in 2020 are now making difficult economic decisions. We know three families that have resorted to living in trailers or campers because buying a house is unaffordable for them at these prices. We know another family that is paying $6,000 a year for home owners’ insurance on a modest house in a working-class neighborhood because they can’t foot the bill for a new roof in order to bring down the insurance premium. Another family we know has a successful business but are stuck renting because they also have been priced out of the market.
These are all hard-working families, most with descent jobs. But the American Dream seems to be slipping out of reach for them. Certainly, the first half of that prophecy is coming to fruition for many of our friends. They’re all keeping their chins up, making the best of the opportunities they’ve been given, but to say their happy—well, that might be a stretch.
Prediction number two says the US will no longer be the world’s super power. We’ve seen that divination come true in spades. Since Joe Biden took office, we’ve become the laughing stock for the world. Plus, by ejecting Russia from the SWIFT system, we mandated that they must settle oil contracts in currencies other than dollars, thereby reducing overall demand for the dollar as an international trade currency. Since Russia’s ouster from SWIFT, many other countries have followed suit in settling international trade contracts for oil in their own currencies or other currencies besides the dollar.
Prediction number four is that you’ll eat less meat. As massive food inflation has continued to assail the typical American consumer, I suspect this prognostication is also being fulfilled.
Number six claims that polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide. And by polluters, they mean you. This utopian dream has already come true for Canadians who pay an average of an extra $5.60 each time they fill up at the pump, plus the added tax applied to consumer goods for producers who pass those costs on to the end user. While the US doesn’t yet have a federally levied carbon tax, Washington State does with an additional $0.43 tax per gallon on gas. Additionally, several other far-left states are pushing for legislation that will punish taxpayers for their crimes against mother earth and polar bears.
Prediction number seven is just a pipe dream meant to distract you from all the other dystopian plans coming from this coven of satanic psychopaths. It predicts that you could be going to Mars. 400 people have won the Powerball Jackpot in the United States. Only 12 people have walked on the Moon. You’re not going to Mars in 2030.
And finally come number eight which states that Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. When you consider this prediction was originally made in 2016, turned out to be astoundingly accurate. 452 people were charged for practicing their freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, and freedom of the press. Each charge is a horror story meant to convey the message that you are no longer free and that your western values have been deemed irrelevant. Of those 452, Stuart Rodes did not even enter the Capitol Building but was sentenced to 18 years. Enrique Torrio wasn’t even in DC and was sentenced to 22 years.
Reporters who were just there to do their job were found guilty and sent to prison. People who went inside after being waved in or invited in by police, on camera, were swatted in the middle of the night by the FBI, taken to prison where they were treated worse than animals, and found guilty by leftist judges in kangaroo courts in a mockery of justice not seen in the worst communist countries.
Likewise, just this week, six people were convicted for federal violation of the FACE act for peacefully protesting outside of an abortion clinic in Mt Juliet, TN. Meanwhile, inside the clinic, murderers were slaughtering innocent babies without consequence.
Western values have been all but extinguished here in America, and they are quickly being replaced with the values of Eastern dictators like Kim Jong Un and Chairman Xi who persecute political dissenters and embrace infanticide.
Other than the pipe dream about going to Mars, the WEF has been exceptionally accurate in their predictions. It causes one to wonder if perhaps they have a crystal ball. The only other choice would be a slightly more conspiratorial explanation. Is it possible, that Klaus Schwab and the WEF managed to somehow bring about this predicted outcome? If so, it’s a chilling fact.
In light of the demonstrated ability of the WEF to see the future, let’s consider the latest prophetic revelation from the Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, Jeremy Jurgens. Citing a WEF Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023 report, Jurgens said a far-reaching, catastrophic cyber event is likely in the next two years. Considering this statemen was made in January of 2023, that suggests this predicted event will occur in the next 11 months—just in time for the election or inauguration.
Whether or not we’re hit with a catastrophic cyber event, the dollar, American values, civility, freedom, and society at large are crumbling into dust. Hold fast to your faith and keep on prepping!
But now for some good news! My latest post-apocalyptic end-times thriller, The Days of Lot, Book One: Seven Seals is now available in all formats.

As it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Luke 17:28-30
Mason Lot is in-house counsel for Poseidon Capital, a major Wall Street firm that serves as a front company for the National Security State. His job pays well and gives him insight into the corrupt shadow government, but it can’t help with his problems at home.
Mason assumed that the hefty price tag for his daughter’s private school would buy him a pass from the insanity plaguing New York’s public school system. Nevertheless, indoctrinated by propaganda, Wynter wants to transition into being a boy. When Mason refuses to pay for the procedure, Wynter turns to the state for help. CPS removes her because Mason is not providing a gender-affirming environment. Mason tries to fight back through the courts but hits a dead end. With no other course of action available, Mason is forced to take alternative measures to protect his daughter.
As if things weren’t bad enough, demand for US dollars is cut in half triggering a cascading failure in America’s currency. Prices skyrocket, markets plummet, and chaos breaks out in the streets. A charismatic aristocrat named Ange de Bourbon rides in on a white horse with a plan for a common global currency that can save the West from certain economic ruin.
Amidst the turmoil, Mason witnesses a plane crash, several abandoned cars blocking traffic, and hears reports of people who have simply disappeared with no explanation. Social media posts, videos, and even emails discussing the strange phenomenon are quickly taken down. The media is silent about the vanishings but has no shortage of mayhem to report.
Mason gets a call from his boss at Poseidon telling him that he should move his family out of New York City by the following day. Mason understands that his boss knows more than he’s allowed to say. He implores his wife and four daughters to get out of the city before it’s to late.
A two-thousand-year-old prophecy has predicted a time of unparalleled tumult that will be poured out upon the earth. Over a seven-year period, God’s final judgments will rain down as sword, famine, and plague, being revealed as seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven vials of God’s wrath.
The more Mason learns about this archaic writing by the Apostle John, the harder it is becoming for him to deny that he has been left behind. If this gauntlet of destruction is to be survived, Mason Lot will have to decipher the ancient texts, put together a plan, and pray like it’s the end of the world.
Don’t miss this gut-wrenching account of the end times. Jump into the adventure today!