US Debt Free For All

mc obama

“I’m going to Disneyland!”

What in the devil just happened? Are you still spinning from the debt ceiling fiasco and wondering what was included when the Neocon RINO camp of the Republican Party gave away the farm? Well, join the crowd.

What happens on February 7th? Will congress be forced to get a debt resolution to control spending and get us back on a sustainable path? Not a snowball chance in Hades! The golden ticket legislation that McCain, Graham and McConnell handed over to Obama allows the government to go hog wild on spending with no limits at all between now and February 7th. After that, the government will not be allowed to rack up any new debt until a deal is made. I will remind you that they had not racked up new debt since last May this time around. The Treasury has been using “extraordinary measures” to keep from hitting the debt ceiling since then. They have been digging money from in between the couch cushion so to speak. The first thing the Treasury did when the debt ceiling agreement was struck was quickly stick all that “spare change” back in the couch. That resulted in a $300 billion dollar overnight increase in US debt and quickly rocketed the debt past $17 trillion dollars. The debt now far outstrips 100% of annual GDP, a key figure that many economists say represents the point at which economic failure becomes all but certain.

We just bought an extra 5 months with the couch cushion money. I would imagine since that trick worked so well last time, they conveniently squirreled away a couple hundred dollar bills for next time. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next debt ceiling debate is pushed back until September. Talk about pulling a fast one. All of the people we have sent to Washington except a very few patriots like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz just robbed us blind. We have to get those people out of office as soon as possible.

The rest of the world is laughing at us as they see us let these people drive our country straight over the edge. If you haven’t gotten serious about prepping, it is time to get to it. This won’t end well.

My new book, American Exit Strategy, Book One of The Economic Collapse Chronicles uses prepper fiction to look at just how bad things could get if we continue on this same unsustainable path. Check it out, the Kindle version is only $3.99.

Happy Prepping!