Congratulations to Ripley, the winner of the Trumpets Giveaway!


As our country continues to circle the toilet bowl toward becoming a banana republic, where politicians use the power of the state to jail their political opponents, and the currency is debased to the point of being worthless, we have to do what we can to prepare our own personal arks. The rain has started and the waters are rising.

Prices for food, housing, transportation, and basic commodities continue to be out of reach for many Americans and it’s only going to get worse. The US is increasing its debt by more than $2 trillion a year. When the government borrows money, they spend that money into the economy and increase the amount of currency in circulation. At the same time, the entity loaning the money still has their collateral in the form of US treasuries, plus interest. It all adds up to more money chasing the same amount of goods and services, which leads to higher and higher consumer prices.

So, whether you’re considering putting in a solar backup system, adding to your food storage, getting some backyard chickens, purchasing night vision or thermal to level up your security plan, my advice is to get it done sooner rather than later. It’s never going to be cheaper to do than it is right now. The slow-motion economic train wreck is in progress.

And just because we have an inflation crisis, it doesn’t mean other black swans won’t land in our yard. As we speak, China continues to run ever-larger military maneuvers around Taiwan. We have personnel and equipment in the region, ready to jump into yet another war, should China invade.

North Korea continues to antagonize South Korea with massive volleys of missile test launches. In response, South Korea’s National Security Council has suspended the 2018 inter-Korean peace pact. The conflict between Israel and Iran is still steaming.

And last but certainly not least, The US has just escalated tensions with Russia providing Ukraine with surface-to-surface missiles. The US-supplied missiles have been used on multiple targets inside Russia, mostly on facilities operating early warning radars which could suggest the intention of more attacks. These weapon systems are probably less user-friendly than your average cell-phone, so it’s possible that US military personnel are the ones launching the missiles. And if Mr. Putin happens to read this post, I doubt I’m telling him anything he doesn’t already know.

We’ve seen a lot of saber rattling this week. The US test launched two Minuteman III ICBMs, the Netherlands announced that their F-35s are now capable of delivering nuclear missiles, and NATO announced a plan for rapid deployment of 300,000 troops, mostly US military, to the frontlines, in the event of a direct conflict with Russia.

According to the US Congressional EMP Commission, Russia, China, North Korea, and possibly Iran are all capable of launching an EMP attack on the US. It doesn’t take WWIII or an EMP for these conflicts to affect you directly. Computer chips for everything from cars to washing machines come from Taiwan and South Korea. So, get the gear, learn to use it, and keep adding to your skills. Resources are never going to be cheaper and more abundant than they are right now.

And now for some good news! My latest post-apocalyptic end-times thriller, The Days of Lot, Book Two: Seven Trumpets is now available in all formats.

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 Timothy 3:1

Mason Lot’s group has found refuge in the Appalachian Mountains and managed to survive the Great Tribulation’s first wave of destruction known as the Seven Seal Judgments. However, things will only get harder from here.

Across the globe, austere conditions push people into desperation. Led by starvation and base instincts, many regress into savagery, raiding and marauding to find sustenance.

Some members of Mason’s group will not survive the Almighty’s barrage of wrath. But in the planet’s final hours, living to suffer another day is no great prize.

Don’t miss this gut-wrenching account of the end times. Jump into the adventure today!