Wow! Preparedness-related news has been coming at us like machine gun fire this past week. Because of my location, I’ll start with Hurricane Helene.

As most of you know, I spend much of the year in Western North Carolina, where recovery efforts from last week’s storm will be ongoing for months. Like most of the state, we received record amounts of rain resulting in what is being called a 1000-year flood.

Years ago, my wife and I volunteered with Samaritan’s Purse after catastrophic flooding in West Virginia. We saw firsthand what torrential rains could do when rushing down the side of a mountain. So, when we selected our homestead, being high and dry and away from areas prone to landslides was a non-negotiable. By the grace of God, our property wasn’t damaged. We were without power for two days, but the generator and recent solar backup system kept us running.

Most of the destruction from Helene came along rivers and low-lying valleys in Western North Carolina where entire towns were completely washed away. The area has also experienced massive road closures from roads and bridges being washed away as well as mudslides.

This storm revealed the absolute lack of readiness on the part of many people around here who weren’t even prepared to shelter in place for 24 hours.

If there is a silver lining to all of this, our homestead and our small Appalachian town have both been battle-tested. Roads, bridges, and infrastructure remain intact with most grocers and big box stores opening up the day after the storm. We’ve had lots of people driving in from Asheville and other hard-hit areas to resupply at our local gas stations and stores.

Please keep those who lost so much in your prayers. Places like Banner Elk are totally cut off from the outside world and towns like Chimney Rock are completely washed away.

Besides the flooding, tens of thousands of Bank of America customers were unable to access their accounts during an outage this week that the financial behemoth blamed on “technical issues.”

At the time of this writing, we are awaiting Israel’s response to the latest volley of missiles from Iran. The regional conflict is escalating with no signs of abating.

After Putin’s redline warning over Ukraine using NATO-supplied long-range missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia, Western leaders seemed hesitant to allow such an attack. Nevertheless, since the decision, Ukraine has used long-range weapons that they built themselves to hit munitions targets deep within the Russian homeland. Where did they get the parts and technology for these DIY drones? I bet Vladimir Putin could tell you. And I doubt you’d be surprised if it was the US and our allies. I might remind you that a loophole and a noose are precariously similar, in that either can be fitted tightly around one’s neck.

I’ll also remind you that while black swan events are labeled as such because of their rarity, no written law exists to prohibit them from occurring simultaneously with other cataclysmic events. The night Helene made landfall in Florida, my wife and I watched the projected track on television. When we went to sleep, it was predicted to head toward Nashville, TN. When we woke up, we were in the remnants of Hurricane Helene’s eye, and Western North Carolina had been changed forever.

Make hay while the sun shines. You do not know what a day may bring.

And now for the excitement! The final installment of the Days of Lot trilogy, Book Three: Seven Bowls is now available in all formats.

For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

Matthew 24:21-22

In the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, Mason Lot’s secluded sanctuary has been a haven for him and his group. They have survived the first two waves of the Great Tribulation, but the final assault, known as the Seven Bowl of God’s Wrath will bring about a level of death and destruction never before seen by mankind. Festering sores will break out on the bodies of unbelievers, water will turn to blood, and the planet will be scorched by the heat of the sun and plunged into utter darkness, heralding the end of days.

Get your copy now and brace yourself for an epic tale of survival against insurmountable odds.