DNC: Communist or Socialist?

Until recently, I, like many Americans were under the impression that the Democratic Party was socialist. They have historically been in favor of bigger government, more handouts, and higher taxes. It has primarily been democrats who have supported legislation that increases regulation and dictates how, when and where we are to live our lives. They were once considered the opposition party to military overstretch, but Obama merely shifted the focus of one war to another. During his first 2 years of office, the Democrats held the Oval Office, the House, and the Senate. Yet we still have an estimated 662 foreign military bases spread out over 38 countries. They also failed to cut any significant amount from the $700 billion in military spending. That is about 28% of our entire national revenue for 2012. It is more than the entire rest of the world put together.

This post is not about slamming the democrats. It is more about defining them. After watching the following video, I think you will agree that many in their numbers have shifted from socialist to communist. This video was made by Peter Schiff who is a Libertarian. He posed as a socialist democrat at the Democratic National Convention to see how many people were in favor of banning corporate profits. By nature, this is total communism. Even socialist societies recognize the need for a company to generate a profit. Without profits, there are no companies and the government must do everything. The butcher, the baker, and the candle stick maker are all extensions of the government. When there are no profits, there is no motivation  for anyone to do anything in a society except that which is forced upon them from a complete control system such as the one that now exists in North Korea. Even communist China allows for profit sharing between the government and corporations.

You can plainly see that several of the people interviewed are probably not capable of tying their own shoe laces. That is a huge part of the problem. They blindly follow whatever they are told to do. This is what they have been taught they must do to protect their government handouts. Several others are genuine communist. The best the party line socialist could do was “put a cap on profits” which is an extremely far leftist brand of socialist.

For those that think there is no difference in Romney and Obama, I hope this article has been an eye opener. Romney is far from perfect, but in this contest, he is the cleanest dirty shirt. Prepper Recon is not affiliated with  The Democratic Party nor The Republican Party. We consider ourselves Christian Constitutionalists. Our primary set of beliefs comes from the Bible and our secondary set of beliefs comes from the Constitution. The candidate that would have best represented those 2 documents would have been Ron Paul, but the people have spoken and he is not a choice. Perhaps people will wake up in the years to come and we will turn around. Or perhaps we will continue our march to the grave.

Peter Schiff has a great radio show that offers a Libertarian view on economics and politics Monday through Friday on Schiff Radio. He has also written some good books including his latest, The Real Crash. It is a great read. I highly recommend it, and you can purchase it from Amazon through the link on the right side bar of this page. He speaks about the challenges we are facing and suggest how we can protect ourselves economically.

Happy Prepping!