
“You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress. Therefore, though you set out the finest plants and plant imported vines, 11 though on the day you set them out, you make them grow, and on the morning when you plant them, you bring them to bud, yet the harvest will be as nothing in the day of disease and incurable pain.”

Isaiah 17:10-11

Do you ever wonder why our country is supposed to be the richest country on earth, yet our debt far outstrips our annual GDP? It is fascinating if you consider it.

Back in 1914, the average weekly wage was around $25.00 per week. Today  a general laborer can earn $25 in about two hours. Theoretically, the laborer should be 20 times better off than the laborer in 1914. I think we all know that isn’t true. In 1914, the family could probably make it with only one bread winner bringing home $25 per week. Today, the average family has no hope of making ends meet on one income; at least not without government entitlement programs.

So we are making 20 times more money but we are worse off? How can that be? Despite all of the technological advancements that we have made to increase productivity it is getting harder and harder to make ends meet.

The simple explanation is inflation. Through excessive new money creation by the Federal Reserve, the value in our currency is stolen through a stealth taxation process. The new money created by the Fed is spent by the government on wasteful projects, military ambition and welfare programs that all buy votes.

What does this all have to do with turning our back on God?

Everything! The Bible tells us to use just weights and measures in Leviticus 19:36. The US dollar derives its value from scarcity. Every time the Fed makes it less scarce by creating more, they steal some of the value of the dollars in your pocket. Beyond that, we have created a generally corrupt society by turning away from God.  He is no longer welcome in our schools, so we are producing citizens who invent their own morality. Now, The Federal Reserve and Washington D.C.  is filled with those who created their own standard for right and wrong.

The only way we can get back to sound money and a sound government is to turn back to the God who made our country great in the first place.

If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.

Have a blessed week and happy prepping!