movie night

Once again, a special thanks to Bill M. for sharing tonight’s movie with us. Holodomor shows how effectively a government can use food, or lack thereof, as a weapon. If you don’t take any other lesson away from tonight’s movie, of which there are many, at least understand the wisdom in building your long-term food storage.


In The Days of Noah, Book Two: Persecution, a globalist conspiracy transpires by way of a false flag attack against America’s energy infrastructure. Noah and Cassandra Parker witness a complete economic meltdown which is intentionally triggered by the event. The assault is blamed on patriots and Christians who are rounded up into detention centers across the country. Noah and his friends must take action to prepare for the meltdown and defend against the totalitarian regime which is gunning for their freedom, and quite possibly, their very lives. Get your copy of The Days of Noah, Book Two: Persecution for Kindle, Paperback or Audio edition at Today.


Happy prepping!
