Why I am a prepper.
Engineer775, whom you may recognize from “Doomsday Preppers” speaks at a conference on why he is a prepper. His family has a rural homestead with the family of Southernprepper1. They are totally self sufficient and have tremendous stock piles. They raise cattle and chickens. They grow their own produce in a garden using fertilizer from the live stock. they produce their own fuel with some solar but mostly wood. they use wells and and a pond for redundant water supplies that are completely disconnected from the grid. These guys are going to bejust fine weather the End of the World as We Know it happens or not. They have a great life. We are not all in a position to be able to do that, but just because you can’t do everything doesn’t mean that you can’t do anything.
This is a very inspiring speech. Engineer775 also has one of the best you tube channels on preparedness. Engineer775 share the homestead with Southernprepper1 who is ex- military. He handles all of the security related aspects of their retreat. His youtube channel is geared towards security and is also one of the best out there. He teaches a lot of simple to understand military tactics for securing your area as well as some fun dramatizations on prepping.Here is the link to the Southernprepper1 youtube channel. Conferences are a great place to meet preppers in your area. If you know of a conference in your area, e-mail me at prepperrecon@gmail.com and I will post the information as well as tweet it!