Homemade Water Filter

I saw this video on Ed That Matters. I thought is really made a perfect example of being resourceful. Resourcefulness is a survival skill that will help you move up the ladder at a Fortune 500 company or help keep you alive when the stuff hits the fan. The video teaches you how to construct a water filter from an empty water bottle, charcoal, sand and rocks. All water filters work on essentially the same principle. I am not ready to sell my Katadyn Hiker Pro water filter and make my own, but it will be better than nothing in a pinch.

 Hillbilly Water Filter

All of the items you need to make this water filter would be easy to come by in an emergency situation. Knowing how to purify water may be a life saving skill. Keeping your mind open to using what you have to get by is the best survival skill you could ever acquire.

Making your own filter should be a last resort back up plan. A good water filter should be a priority for your bug out bag. If it gets lost, stolen, or broken, making your own is very good back up plan. There are some really nasty little critters that can show up in untreated water which is why it has to be purified before drinking. It is also what makes a good filter such a good investment.

If you are new to prepping, check out our post on Bug Out Bags to learn what necessities you need to survive for 3 days without systems of support.

Happy Prepping!