Hurricane Sandy Reveals Dependence of USA


This video from HLN on the aftermath of  Hurricane Sandy reveals the level of total dependence that has been fostered by our country. It is not fair to blame it on the government as we are the ones who have elected them. It is not something that has been forced upon us, but rather the path that has been chosen by the voting majority. How sad our forefathers would be to see such behavior. They fought and died to pass down independence to us. In our complacency, we have traded that independence for total dependance. We have thrown it out with yesterday’s trash, and with it went our true American spirit.

“When is the government coming?”

The patriots that fought and died to give us a limited government had looked to free us from such dependence. They prepared for inevitable hardships themselves. When burdens were too big for one person to handle, they came together as a community. The Church provided relief for those in need. They counseled the needy to determine who was truly incapable of taking care of themselves and who was just looking for a free lunch. Because of the lack of common sense and abundance of bureaucracy, the government is not able to discern between the destitute and the lazy. As such, we have created a welfare class that sees voting for the person who is offering the biggest hand out as their only job. They don’t look for another job, because that one pays very well.

The Hurricane Sandy victim in the video is the poster child of our dependence. Despite mandatory evacuation orders, she stayed. Despite several days of warnings prior to Hurricane Sandy making landfall, she did not provide for certain disaster by buying the necessary provisions recommended by the authorities. She ignored the very government whom she now expects to rain provisions upon her.

This is not the government’s job. We are primarily responsible for ourselves. When calamities come, it is up to the community to come together and lift each other up. When it is a major disaster like this one, relief agencies like Samaritan’s Purse are much more efficient than any government agency ever could be. Samaritan’s Purse had 3 relief teams on the road the morning after Hurricane Sandy struck. They came to our area after Hurricane Wilma. I volunteered with them for 2 weeks putting tarps on damaged roofs and clearing fallen trees. Because they rely on volunteer work, they are able to dedicate the majority of the donated funds to chainsaws, plywood and tarps. After a disaster, there are always a surplus of able bodied people who want to help. This is not possible with government. there is too much red tape. In fact, it was our city government that took 8 months to issue permits for our Church to begin demolition of the interior walls of buildings that had been destroyed by Hurricane Wilma. Wilma’s problems were exacerbated by the government. They were the problem, not the solution.

If you would like to donate funds or volunteer with  Samaritan’s Purse, you can contact them at Samaritan’s They have been providing assistance to victims of Hurricane Sandy since the first day after the storm. They have been providing an example of the community relying on each other rather than the government for years.

Happy Prepping!