Liberty Lost



“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” The 4th Amendment

The Boston Bombing suspect was finally caught. He would have been caught without the violation of so many citizens’ 4th Amendment rights. As police went from door to door, they raided people houses and treated them like the terrorist they are supposed to be protecting them from. I understand that these are special circumstances. There will always be what seems like a good reason to violate our Bill of Rights. But, once that line has been crossed, we cannot get it back. Ever since 9/11, Americans have been willfully sacrificing their liberty for security. We have started down a slippery slope and are now loosing our footing. I suspect we won’t stop this slide until we reach rock bottom.
The rising of the police state.

Benjamin Franklin spent years in the planing of our great nation. He spent hours debating how our liberty should be preserved. He said “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” We caught the bomber, but at what cost? We have sacrificed our 4th amendment rights for 1 day of safety. The people of Boston took to the streets when the bomber was captured. They should have taken to the streets over the appalling way they were treated as their homes were ransacked.

I understand that law enforcement have an ever increasingly difficult job to do. Nonetheless, they must enforce the law within the confines of the law. If we destroy the Constitution in the enforcement of the law, what are we enforcing? Without the Constitution, there is no law, for it is the very foundation of our entire legal system. We are cutting off the very branch we are sitting on.

What happened in Boston must not happen again. Unfortunately, the systematic process of making us feel as thought the government is doing us a favor every time they violate us seems to be working. We are being conditioned. I won’t compare America with Nazi Germany, but I will draw attention to the similarity in the way the Jews were broken down little by little. 1933: At first, the Nazi’s only boycotted Jewish shops. Then Jews lost their citizenship and they were prohibited from owning land. 1934: Jews were denied national health insurance. 1935: Jews are banned from joining the military. 1938: Jews are required to register property. 1939: Nazis confiscate gold and silver from Jews. They are confined to certain sections of town and a curfew is place on them. In 1940, the first Jews are sent to Auschwitz. Executions begin the next year.

The initial infractions did not seem like anything to start a revolution over. The end result was the near termination of an entire race. Keep this in mind as you allow yourself to be bullied further and further into submission. The Constitution does not give you your rights. It only affirms them. As Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence, your rights come from God. Stand up and defend them. Show God you are worthy of the gift he has bestowed on you.

Happy Prepping.