Gun Control

President Obama listed his plans for gun control just before noon on Wednesday. Fortunately, he has backed down from considering executive orders to reinstate the 1994 assault weapons ban. He also did not use executive orders to limit magazine capacity or institute universal background checks. He said he will try to persuade congress to enact these measures through legislation. We must fight like we have never fought before to persuade them not to further infringe upon our rights granted by the second amendment to keep and bear arms.
The week was not without casualties. The second amendment was just torn up and thrown away in NY. The new gun control laws there will ban all military style rifles and require registration of all those that are grandfathered in. They will require background checks on ammunition sales and keep records of individuals who purchase ammunition. New Yorkers will not be allowed to purchase guns from online dealers. Magazine capacity restriction will go from 10 rounds to 7 rounds. Those who own magazines with more than 7 rounds will have one year to sell them out of state. The other option will be to move out of state entirely. New York has long been a bastion of putrid liberalism. What better time to move than now? Nevertheless, a loss of freedom in one state is a loss of freedom for all of America.
So now what do we do?
Now we write to our respective Congressmen and Senators. Each of us should be sending three letters, one to each of your two Senators and one to your Congressman. I am including a form letter that you can cut and paste to send to your representatives along with links to find your Senators and Congressional Representatives e-mail and contact information. All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. If you have not joined the NRA, it is time to do it. Put your money where your mouth is. It is only $35 a year and for that, a message is sent to Washington by the simple fact that you have joined the number of citizens who love their freedom. It is money well spent for those who work at maintaining our freedom. If we all write our letters, I am convinced that The House of Representatives will not let the magazine ban and the assault weapons ban go through.
As for the panic buying, I think we can all take a break on that. Shortly after Obama’s speech, I was notified that Cheaper Than Dirt suddenly had magazines available. The cheap metal colt GI AR15 mag that used to sell for $10 was listed on Cheaper Than Dirt for $129.97! Hopefully, panic buying will die out and the shelves will be restocked within 6 months to a year. I think you will have an opportunity to buy all the things you wish you would have bought before the hysteria. If you haven’t bought a battle rife yet, they will likely be available again once all of the back orders have cleared. Now is a good time to get your budget and your shopping list together.When things normalize, stock up on ammo, 30 round magazines and everything else you wished you would have bought. This was a near miss. Let us all learn from it. The next time could be a real ban.
Just because Obama didn’t try an executive order ban this time doesn’t mean he won’t in the future. The new gun control laws enacted in New York are an excellent picture of what the left has in mind. They had previously limited magazine capacity to 10 rounds, the new law is 7 rounds. Next time NY will probably cut it to 3 rounds, then 1 round then you will only be allowed a sharp stick. After that, NY will ban sharp sticks and you will only be allowed a 3″ short stick with a rubber tip to defend your life and family against criminals armed with AK-47s and 100 round drums because they don’t obey the law anyway.
Here is the letter I sent to my representative and senators. Please feel free to cut and paste it. You are also welcome to modify it in any way or write your own from scratch. But please, send something!
Please stand up for the Constitution and preserve the integrity of the Second Amendment. I was glad to hear President Obama mentioned that he supported the right for gun owners to bear arms for hunting, sporting, protection and collection, but the Second Amendment has nothing to do with these things. It reads:
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. “
This amendment is about the citizenry securing a free state against any enemy of that state, foreign or domestic. That task, unlike hunting, can not be preformed with a seven round magazine in a .22 caliber rifle. Japan did not invade the US in WWII because they knew ” there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass”.
As tragic as recent events in Aurora and Sandy Hook have been, it was already illegal to murder people in a theater or a classroom. Those laws did not stop the tragedies and further infringements on our liberties will not stop future attacks. We have always been a nation with a responsible heritage of gun ownership. That is not what has changed. What has changed is that we have evicted God from our classrooms and our courtrooms. Our children now grow up with no sense of absolute morals. If we would invite God back into our country, he would heal our broken land. Our children would learn “thou shall not kill”. Our society would heal and we could once again be blessed by the hand of our Creator. No amount of gun laws can replace the blessings and protection of God. He is just waiting for us to return to him with our whole hearts.
“”If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.”For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 1:19-20
Thank you and God Bless,
Here are the links to find your Senators and Representatives.
Happy Prepping!