We have had several gun posts recently because that is the battle that is being waged at the time. Long time readers of prepper recon know that we rarely post gun related posts. Even though I am a firm believer that defense is a primary pillar of prepping, there are so many blogs and forums that are exclusively dedicated to firearms.
Since the Sandy Hook shooting, we have been averaging one post a week dedicated to our 2nd amendment rights. It is the conversation of the moment and we all need to be involved by contacting our Representatives and Senators. Today, we have two videos of rants by Alex Jones and Jack Spirko as well as a small segment on the stunt pulled by Bank of Anti-America.
Last night, Alex Jones earned a whole new respect from me and several other conservatives. He went on CNN to rip Piers Morgan a new one. Alex explained to Piers Morgan that the 2nd Amendment is not about duck hunting, rather it is about being able to stand up to a tyrannical government. While I see Alex Jones as a bit of an extremist on many of his views, he is on our side and his interview last night was full of good facts that the left was able to hear via their own leftist propaganda outlet, CNN. If you missed it, watch the video now.
Alex Jones on CNN with Piers Morgan
Jack Spirko always offers a healthy dose of common sense on his daily broadcast of The Survival Podcast. Yesterday’s episode featured a short youtube video on his 2nd amendment views. He points out that the 2nd Amendment is more of a responsibility than a right.
Jack Spirko2nd Amendment Views
As an availability update, Buds Guns has a good supply of available Glocks, several Sigs, one model of Kel Tec, a couple of HKs, Some Berettas, several S&Ws, and one Ruger semi-auto pistols. These are less likely to be banned, but they are potentially on the chopping block. Especially those models with more than 10 round magazines. If they are available at all after the ban, it will be with 10 round magazines or less. Buds can ship to any FFL in a state where the specific item is legal. They will recommend a FFL in your area for the transfer if you don’t have one you already do business with. Buds also has some 17 round 9mm Glock magazines. HK Parts.net have some large capacity Glock mags.
Bank of Anti-America
Bank of America froze the accounts of Spirit Arms because they determined that they should not be selling guns and gun parts on the internet. SHTF Plan.com has a very thorough article on the event. Now we have corporate America determining and interpreting the the laws of the land. While this has been going on for some time in the arena of finance, they have now officially stepped over the line to tell American Citizens how they will live their lives. If you are a patriot, please close your Bank of Anti-America account now.
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Just like an old roadrunner cartoon where Wile E Coyote is falling off of one cliff after another, the American economy is up for another cliff. We are reaching the debt limit and will be having another debt ceiling debate. The last debt ceiling debate bought us a credit downgrade both because of the bickering that took us to the edge of the limit as well as the fact that we had reached the limit and needed to have the limit extended. The credit downgrade, if your remember, triggered a sharp sell off in equities. Ironically, investors flocked to US Treasuries, the very debt instrument that had just been downgraded.
I have learned not to try to predict what will happen, because the fact that people poured into the asset that had triggered the sell off means that all common sense had left the party. Who knows what will happen in the coming debate or in the fallout of potential downgrades? The only thing we know for sure is an addict will continue in his behavior until he hits rock bottom. The US Government is an addict. It is addicted to spending which necessitates it being addicted to borrowing, taxing and debasing the currency to its own demise. Most all of us have had some experience, either personal or someone we know who has struggled with addiction. If we know anything from our experience, it is that it has to get worse before it can get better. The behavior won’t change until the pain outweighs the high. Sooner or later, the pain of the irresponsible policies of our government will far outweigh the high. The day of reckoning is coming. You better be ready.
The latest chatter is that the Treasury would mint a $1 trillion dollar coin to avoid another debt ceiling debate between the Democrats and the Republicans. Just as the Treasury creates money to purchase $40 billion a month to purchase MBS’s and $45 billion a month to purchase US bonds, they would just create the $1 trillion need to facilitate the continued spending. Think of it as QE 5. What a great plan! This will debase the currency at an even faster rate. Current M2 money supply estimates say the total money supply is near $10 trillion. To instantaneously create another $1 trillion would devalue all the per-existing currency by exactly 10%. How is that for a flat tax? Rich or poor, the value of your dollar would be instantly cut to $.90 cents. Of course that is on top of QE 3 and QE 4 which are already debasing the currency by $1.02 trillion annually. By the most rudimentary definition of inflation, Your dollar today would be worth less than $.80 cents by New Year’s Eve 2013.
I believe all of these are the last desperate attempts to hold things together just a little longer. Any slack jawed moron can see this is unsustainable. The only thing left to speculate is the severity of the collapse. As I have said before, I am not a financial adviser and I don’t make specific recommendations on these posts. For myself, I am purchasing gold and silver whenever I see dips in the prices. It looks like the desperation is hitting new highs and our country can’t keep this behavior up.
If you have not started prepping yet, it is time to get started. If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more, read our 7 Step Preparedness plan. It will help you build a foundation in readiness so you can be more prepared for everything from a tropical storm to the end of the world as we know it.
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“4 Woe to the sinful nation, a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the Lord; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. 5 Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. 6 From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness— only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil. 7 Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire; your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you, laid waste as when overthrown by strangers. 8 Daughter Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under siege. 9 Unless the Lord Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah. 10 Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodom; listen to the instruction of our God, you people of Gomorrah! 11 “The multitude of your sacrifices— what are they to me?” says the Lord. “I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure
in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats. 12 When you come to appear before me, who has asked this of you, this trampling of my courts?13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your worthless assemblies. 14 Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals I hate with all my being. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. 15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you;
even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! 16 Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. 17 Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. 18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord.“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; 20 but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Isaiah 1:4-20
God used the prophet Isaiah to warn the nation of Israel of the coming calamities that would fall on them if they insisted on continuing in their rebellion. Students of history know that they ignored those warnings and the Northern kingdom of Israel was sacked by the Assyrians while the Southern kingdom of Israel was pummeled by the Babylonians a few year later.
America has fallen to the same sin of rejecting God. I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to assume this prophecy could also be applicable to us as well. I also expect that as we continue to turn our back on God by evicting him from the classrooms and courtrooms, by killing innocent unborn children by the thousands each day, by declaring that we know better than He, we should also expect him to turn His back on us. The liberal left that believes we are a self-made nation, may soon see how well we stand without the blessings and protection of God.
For the prepper, it means we may be entering into a very difficult period as God attempts to wake America up to their true need for Him. Any true believer in ancient Israel that heard the prophecies of Isaiah would surely made a good effort to be prepared for the difficult time that lay ahead for a nation led by an immoral majority. I think it is more than coincidental that the prepper community has such a large over lap with the Christian community. Perhaps it is God speaking to our hearts to shelter us for what is certain to come.
His plea is the same to bay as it was in 700BC when the book of Isaiah was written, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; 20 but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” Isaiah 1:18-20
If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed week and happy prepping!
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Just when you thought Diane Feinstein’s Gun Bill was the most anti-American piece of legislation you ever heard of, Illinois manages to one-up her. Proposed AMENDMENT TO HOUSE BILL 1263 lists all military style guns as being banned as well as all semi-auto pistols and rifles with detachable magazines. That is pretty much everything except a revolver, single shot or pump shotgun and tubular magazine rifles. No more Glocks, Sigs, HKs, Berettas, or any semi-auto handguns no matter how small the magazine capacity.
On page 9, line 3 we read the criteria of a banned gun as being ” a semi-automatic rifle or pistol with the capacity to accept a detachable magazine” What makes this worse than Feinstein’s Bill is the fact that it makes no provision for grandfathering legally owned guns purchased before the ban. We are to assume that if the ban were to pass, all semi automatic pistols and rifles with detachable magazines would be illegal in the entire state.
We just wrote the post on Feinstein’s bill last week. I don’t want to repeat myself with another 2nd Amendment rant, but please read it if you haven’t yet. Instead, I would like to talk about the need to get your financial house in order. What does the gun grab have to do with finances, you may ask. A lot! The gun grab is about a loss of freedom. Being financially responsible is also about freedom. If you are living fancy free on credit cards or eating Filet Mignon on a hotdog budget, it is time to start living within your means.
Your number one priority needs to be making a budget that will require you to start saving money. With that saved money, you need to be building up a six month emergency fund. You need to forget about the new car and the flat screen and start saving like there is no tomorrow, because there may not be.
What can I do with financial freedom. If you live in Illinois right now, you can move. If you are living hand to mouth with no savings, you can’t move. You are stuck with whatever job you have because you are buried in debt. The patriot with a six month emergency fund, no credit card debt and a little cushion from living below his means doesn’t have to live in a state that bans guns to that level. He is free to vote with his feet and find greener pasture. Trust me, if every conservative left Illinois, the state government would crumble. The left is politically supported by the welfare class whose votes are bought and paid for by handouts that are financed by the hard working conservatives. The socialist system of wealth redistribution doesn’t work when all of the productive citizens relocate.
Who else could benefit from the freedom of being debt free? Most of our law enforcement officers are very hardworking people that have a higher sense of respect for the Constitution than the average Joe. Many of our military and local law enforcement officers have joined Oath Keepers and vowed not to obey any order that will contradicts the Constitution. The Oath Keepers that have decided to make financial responsibility a priority in their life will be in a much better position to lay down their badge if such an order were to come. Those who are up to there ears in debt will face severe financial hardship, if they have the will to follow through with their oath of allegiance.
As we see times get more and more uncertain and the direction of our country get more and more heartbreaking, a sound budget will be your best defense. The Bible says “The borrower is slave tot the lender” Proverbs 22:7. Financial freedom is the base for all of your other freedoms. If you love freedom, make this year the year that you make a budget and stick to it! Our Finance Links page has several sites that will help you get on a budget. Our Coupon Corner page will work miracles in helping you stretch that budget once you get it made. The biggest problem our country faces is debt. Getting your house in order makes sure you are part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
I always take predictions on timing the collapse with a grain of salt. We just posted an Interview with Bob Wiedemere who called the collapse in 2 to 4 years. I suppose somebody will be right eventually. Even though I don’t put much stock in predictions on timing, I am always interested to hear people state their case on why they think the collapse will occur in the time frame they specify.
Max Keiser is the host of The Keiser report on RT. It is a popular alternative economic news program. All the episodes are available to be viewed free through RT’s Keiser Report youtube channel. Max is always entertaining and quite intelligent. Check out the recent interview of Max Keiser on Alex Jones’ Info Wars.
Max Keiser Predicts Collapse by April 2013
I am also a bit hesitant to take everything Alex Jones says as the gospel truth. Like Max, he is also very intelligent and entertaining, but he often delves into the realm of the tin foil hat. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are theories. They are difficult to prove. I will give him credit for his work on the Bohemian Grove infiltration. His “End Game” video presentation is also like a shot of espresso for waking people up. He does often host very credible guests like James Wesley Rawles, but Alex is not my first choice for news and information. I don’t mean to offend any devoted fans, I do think that he at least gets people thinking outside of the mainstream media box.
As for timing the collapse, I think it would be rather difficult to do so with any accuracy. I perceive confidence as being the key factor in initiating a meltdown. Most people depend on FOX , CNN or CNBC for their news and seem to be oblivious to the problems that put our financial systems at risk. As long as they believe the system is stable, it will be. As the cracks in the veneer begin, the general public will see how thin it is and race for the exit. All at once, the confidence in the dollar, US treasuries, stocks and banks will evaporate like a morning fog. The 2008 crisis will pale in comparison to this event.
For now, keep hoping for the best and prepping for the worst.
Happy Prepping!
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Last week, Diane Feinstein released her intentions on new gun control legislation. Click here to see her updated 2013 proposed legislation.
Following is a summary of the 2013 legislation:
Bans the sale, transfer, importation, or manufacturing of:
120 specifically-named firearms;
Certain other semi-automatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics; and
Semi-automatic rifles and handguns with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds.
Strengthens the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban and various state bans by:
Moving from a 2-characteristic test to a 1-characteristic test;
Eliminating the easy-to-remove bayonet mounts and flash suppressors from the characteristics test; and
Banning firearms with “thumbhole stocks” and “bullet buttons” to address attempts to “work around” prior bans.
Bans large-capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of accepting more than 10 rounds.
Protects legitimate hunters and the rights of existing gun owners by:
Grandfathering weapons legally possessed on the date of enactment;
Exempting over 900 specifically-named weapons used for hunting or sporting purposes; and
Exempting antique, manually-operated, and permanently disabled weapons.
Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
Background check of owner and any transferee;
Type and serial number of the firearm;
Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration.
As we would expect from the liberals, the language is intentionally vague. We all remember Nancy Pelossi’s statement about the Health Care bill to The Congress, ” We have to pass the bill so you can see what is in it.” We should expect no less from Feinstein.
In line three of the above summary, we read “Certain other semi-automatic rifles, handguns, shotguns that can accept a detachable magazine and have one or more military characteristics;” We do not know what they may determine to mean a military characteristic. Does your Glock fit into that category because it looks scary? Would this include any thing with a weaver or picatinny rail? Is an OD green grip a “military characteristic”? Perhaps the fact that it is capable of killing people qualifies it as having a military characteristic. If so, this is the end of all semi-automatic pistols. If Feinstein gets her way, we will be left with revolvers, shotguns and tubular magazine rifles.
The left is not concerned in the least as they trample our Constitution. The 2nd Amendment reads as follows:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
This has nothing to do with hunting, sporting or collecting. This was a responsibility of US Citizens to protect a free state from enemies foreign and domestic.
We were at Bass Pro Shop last week and the shelves were bare. They were completely out of .22 cal, 9mm, .223, and 5.56 ammo. The gun shelves were very sparsely covered. The pistol cases were extremely low on inventory. They typically have 1 display case that is filled mostly with Glocks, they had 1 in the store.
As we expected, all high capacity magazines were completely striped from the shelves. I was surprised to see a .223 Remington in the AR case. they also has 2 ARs in .22 rim fire.
If you haven’t purchased an AR-15 by now, you will likely be paying more than double. The only source I know of where AR-15s or high capacity magazines can be found is on Armslist.com. While price gouging may seem opportunistic,the laws of supply and demand are in control of the market. Before you criticize the guy asking $2500 for his AR-15, ask yourself what price you would sell yours for. Don’t forget to consider that the shelves may never be stocked again.
Most gun shops in our area are running low on popular handgun models. Buds Gun Shop still has several Glocks as well as many other popular semi-automatic hand guns. They also have an assortment of .22 cal AR-15 style rifles. Buds will ship your order to your local gun dealer or FFL to facilitate the transfer. If you are ever thinking of adding any magazine fed firearms to your collection, now is the time to do it. We don’t know what the future will hold. Don’t think that a Republican House of Representatives will save you. FDR outlawed gold in Executive Order 6102. Don’t think this clown won’t use an executive order to ban magazine fed weapons.
As for ammo, .223 and 5.56 are hard to come by. I don’t expect it to be banned, but you never know. Midway, Bass Pro, Cabelas and Bulk Ammo.com were all out. Lucky Gunner did have some .223 available. They have had different brands available since the crunch began a couple weeks ago. You can order from them and help support the site by using the link in the top right hand corner of the blog page. If they happen to be out when you click, check back tomorrow. If you know of AR ammo, AR magazines, or AR-15 rifle or lower receiver availability other than what we have covered, leave us a comment and let every one know. Thanks so much.
Also use this time as a metric for estimating how difficult it could become to convert your cash into gold or silver in the event of a collapse. It is AR-15s whose price has doubled and will soon not be available at any price in the current crunch. Next year could be gold and silver.
RT did a piece last week on the mad rush to get armed. It is called “Fear and Loading”. It is a very interesting article. Watch it if you have time, it is about 3 minutes long.
Psalms 119:105 “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
Traveling at night can be treacherous, especially when the path you are traveling is not well lit. Last year, I took my wife to a romantic bed and breakfast in the Appalachian Mountains. It was on our way to Kentucky to visit my family for Christmas. She had no idea that we were going there and only knew we were stopping for the night. I had hoped to time the trip to arrive before sundown because I knew the bed and breakfast was several miles down a winding country road. Due to traffic, we reached the exit off the highway just after dusk. Soon it was pitch dark. We could see little more than the road directly in front of us. Being city dwellers, we were not used to navigating winding mountain roads at night. A few miles off the highway, several bats flew low overhead. A few miles later, a rather rough looking dog jumped out of nowhere and started barking at the car. While these thing presented no real danger, they elevated the sense of uneasiness. Finally, by using the head lights that illuminated the road just before us we arrived. My wife quickly forgot the traumatic journey and was pleasantly surprised to find the 1800’s farmhouse that we were to be staying in.
Without the head lights, we would have never made it. Likewise, we are in need of spiritual discernment to make the correct decisions to navigate life. As we see society crumbling around us, we need God’s help more than ever. Many preppers have items that they consider part of there Every Day Carry or EDC. For some, this may be a miniature version of their bug out bag that they keep in their car, for others, it is things they keep on their person like a knife, gun, small medical kit, flashlight, para-cord bracelet or means of water purification. Several years ago as part of a New Year’s resolution, I began reading the Bible every morning before I start my day. In a way, I was making God’s wisdom part of my every day carry. I have kept doing this for years after that initial New Year’s resolution, and it has made all the difference.
Just like the head lights in the winding mountain road, the Bible gives me just enough illumination to get a few more yards down the road. That is good, it keeps me going back to it for a little more light on my path. Think how foolish it would have been for me to cut the headlights off and try to get to the farmhouse in the dark. Surely we would have ended up in a ditch. In the same way, I need God’s Word to be a lamp for my feet to keep me on the right path in life.
I truly believe that if you make spiritual preparedness a priority in you life, all of the rest of your prepping will go much more smoothly. We all have to make important decisions regarding how we will protect and invest our resources to prepare for whatever may come. Wouldn’t you love to know that you were making those decisions with God’s wisdom. New Year’s day is just around the corner. Committing to read a chapter or two of The Bible each morning before you start the day would make an excellent resolution. Here are a few One Year Bible reading plans available online.
Happy Prepping!
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Book Review- 7 Predicted Disasters By Jeff Ordonez
Jeff Ordonez’s book, 7 Predicted Disasters is a short book that covers several of the disasters that are predicted in The Book of Revelation. The period of time referred to in Jeff’s book is commonly know as the tribulation. Most biblical scholars fall into one of two camps. There is the pre-tribulation camp which believes Christians will be raptured out before the tribulation and mid-tribulation camp that believes Christians will be raptured out in the middle of the tribulation. In one of our recent Prepper Recon Sunday Bible Studies, we looked at both views. We also gave compelling scriptural evidence for both views. Please take the time to read The Rapture Post so you can be familiar with those 2 opinions. Mr. Ordonez has taken the mid-trib view for this book.
The book begins telling us about the one world global government. We have seen in recent news articles how the UN is seeking to impose global taxes. This is a major attempt to gain global power through taxes. A final empire was predicted in Daniel 2. Long story short, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a statue with a gold head, silver chest, bronze waist, iron legs and feet of iron mixed with clay. The head represented King Nebuchadnezzar Babylonian empire, the chest represented the Medo-Persian empire, the waist represented the Greek empire, the legs were the Roman empire and many biblical scholars believe the feet represent a one world empire yet to come, The empire of anti-Christ. This final empire will likely evolve from the UN.
Jeff goes on to list all of the disasters that have been predicted by Revelation and gives all of the Bible verse references to the corresponding disasters. To name a few with out giving away the book, The Bible tells us the tribulation will be ushered in by the four horsemen. They bring death through war, famine, plague and the wild beasts of the earth. We are told in Revelation 6:8 “They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.” In today’s terms, we are talking about 25% of the global population or just over 2 billion people. to put this in perspective, that is nearly 7 times the population of the United States killed in the first few verses of the tribulation. From there, it is all down hill. We have global earth quakes, and repeated direct impacts of meteors. The water turns to blood and those who have not professed faith In Jesus are tormented by boils and stinging insects.
Jeff’s book is a great introduction to the plagues and destruction foretold by the book of revelation. It is a quick read and gives a very clear cometary on the events that our world will experience. You can order 7 Predicted Disasters from Amazon through the link on the right hand side bar.
If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed day and happy prepping!
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