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Things are looking grim on the home front. Inflation is soaring, a recession is looming, and rumors of war dominate the headlines.
Even so, we must be grateful for the years of plenty God has granted us. Now is the time to, like Joseph, store up for the coming years of want. God gave him the wisdom to see the danger and take refuge.
We have so many areas of concern to stay abreast of, but of them all, economic turmoil is the one we cannot escape. The US Government and Federal Reserve have painted us all into a corner with their profligate abuse of our fiat currency system. I fear the dollars day of reckoning may finally be at hand.
In an astounding representation of just how out of touch government is with what causes inflation, the Democrats have just passed the Inflation Reduction Act. The new law is nothing more than another spending spree which will exacerbate inflation while increasing the size and scope of government to the tune of $740 billion. That’s $40 billion more than what was initially passed for TARP to keep the economy from going into free fall in 2008.
One provision of the new law funds the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents. According to a recent IRS job posting many of these 87,000 will be trained to carry out pre-dawn raids and kill those who attempt to defend their families, should the homeowners mistake IRS agents for intruders.
This modern-day gestapo will increase the number audits on working-class citizens, requiring them to spend thousands of hard-earned dollars to defend themselves against a government that prints its own money and has unlimited resources. Of course, if you’re shot in the middle of the night by an IRS agent raiding your house, this won’t be a concern.
If you’re not registered to vote in the upcoming mid-term election, stop what you’re doing and get registered now. I know many have lost faith in the electoral process after the stolen presidential election, but if you don’t at least try, your blood is on your own hands.
But now for some good news.
American Wasteland Book Three: The Final Solution is now available in Audiobook, Kindle, and Paperback!
Jennifer Martin’s country lies in ruins—decimated by a civilization collapse weapon designed to depopulate the planet. Those who have survived live in want and oppression.
CLICK HERE to buy your copy now!
Jennifer has suffered much since the beginning of the outbreak. She has lost her fiancé and her best friend. But her sacrifice has not been a complete loss. Thanks to what she started, resistance fighters around the country are taking up arms against the rogue federal government. Decentralized cells of the Free American Front are fighting back against the new Federal Emergency Security Agency.
The resistance is little more than a buzzing fly when compared with the strength and might of an empire. Newly promoted FESA administrator Todd Kravitz is eager to stomp out the rebels. Washington has granted him carte blanche to ensure a quick end to the uprising. Kravitz will replace his velvet glove with an iron fist, and he’ll start with Jennifer Martin.
What began as a local skirmish is metastasizing into a full-blown war. If Jennifer’s band of guerillas are to have any chance of winning, they’ll need to strike a decisive blow against Kravitz and the rest of the tyrants in charge.
Don’t miss this heart-stopping post-apocalyptic story set in America’s near future. Get your copy today!