Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.
Proverbs 31:8
The above picture is of American GIs escorting German citizens through a concentration camp to witness the atrocities committed by the National Socialist Party. After the fall of Germany, the citizens who had sat by during the Holocaust were forced to see what was going on behind the walls of places like Auschwitz, Belzec, and Treblinka. Praise God, in World War II, the good guys won.
It is estimated that over six million Jews were exterminated in the Holocaust. Now, we face an even greater holocaust in the murder of the unborn. The number of children whose lives have been snuffed out by abortion since Roe v Wade is quickly approaching sixty million, ten times the number of Jews murdered in the camps.
Spoiler Alert! In case you haven’t finished reading the Bible cover to cover yet, I have. In Revelation 19, Christ returns with his angel armies and wins the final battle. Just like Auschwitz, the offices of Premeditated Parenthood will be closed down permanently. But I have to wonder, will the soldiers of the prevailing army do the same thing to the citizens of America as the GIs did to the Germans? Will an angel with sword sheathed, take me by the hand and lead me through the dumpsters behind the abortion clinics in my country? Will I be forced to open the buckets and peer into the abominable pile of baby heads, torn ligaments and unsold organs? If so, will I be stricken with guilt because I closed my eyes to the evils being done in the land or will I be able to say that I spoke up for those who had no voice?
Abortion is something we rarely hear about from the pulpit, yet it is something that should be harped on week after week until this horrendous act is purged from our land. The only way that this practice has been tolerated for more than forty years in this land is because the churches have allowed it.
If the pastors aren’t willing to get in the fight, it’s time for congregations to rise up. If pastors cherish their precious 501c3 more than they value the lives of our society’s most vulnerable; if they are afraid to warn their congregants against voting for people who support such monstrous acts; then it’s time to defund them and reallocate those funds to the organizations that are willing to stand up.
I believe in giving God 10% of my earnings. For years, I thought the only obedient way to do that was through the church I attend. My understanding of that principle is growing. If I am paid to do a job and only complete fifty percent of the job, I’d be fortunate if the person in charge of payroll still gave me half of my pay. So, until my church gets involved in fighting the battles that are near and dear to the heart of God, I’ll be giving them five percent, and the other five will be going to those fighting this battle. I’ll be donating to causes like National Pro-Life Alliance, which Senator Rand Paul is very involved in. I’ll also be supporting the campaigns of people like Rand. I believe organization like Center For Medical Progress who filmed the videos of the Premeditated Parenthood executives are doing the work that the church has neglected and therefore deserve a healthy portion of the derelict church’s funding.
Let me be clear, don’t quit going to your church because they aren’t politically involved. If you start shopping around for the perfect church, you’ll end up spending Sundays at the lake, fishing, and that’s not Biblical either. Pray about what God would have you do and how he wants you to allocate the money you lay aside for the business of his Kingdom. And if you choose to tell your pastor or church leadership what you are doing and why you are doing it, expect some push-back. The primary reason that the church has been so soft on abortion and politics in the first place is because of their love of money.
And finally, pray. Pray for the young mothers-to-be that are contemplating abortion, even now as you read this. Pray that God will provide a way out for them, either through adoption or by providing a place for them to raise their child. My previous church did open a shelter for expecting mothers that provides an alternative to abortion. It is called His Caring Place; it and places like it are a great place to invest for your ultimate retirement plan.
If your church has thrown off the shackles of the 501c3 exemption, if they regularly speak out against abortion and get involved in the political process, if they fear God more than man and respect his laws above those of the lucifereans running this country, if your church is a good steward of the resources God gives them, then be faithful to them in your giving. If you’ve not been tithing to God through the church or any of the other organizations that are doing his work, step out in faith and try it. You’ll be amazed at how far the other 90% goes when you are under God’s blessings.
Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed day and happy prepping!