Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise.
Ephesians 5:14-15
The majority of the American church seems to be split down the middle between apostate and asleep. The remnant that is true to God’s word and alert to the times is so minuscule as to be hardly worth mentioning. Well, the alarm clock will be sounding soon enough. Since the pastors of the sleeping churches didn’t think it worthwhile to involve themselves in the politics of this world, we will soon have the goads of persecution to rouse us from our slumber. Now that we’ve allowed an enemy of God’s word to become president, he has chosen two of the liberal Justices who ruled on gay marriage. This could have never happened without the complacency of the sleeping church and the support of the apostate church.
We’ve made our bed and we must prepare to lay in it. The apostate church will happily go along with the coming dictates concerning gay marriage. When forced to perform services for gay couples, the sleeping church will have to choose a side. Since they didn’t see the value in staying awake, I have little hope that most will be prepared to endure the coming persecution. I fear many will fall back into comfortable bliss along side the apostate church.
Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise. Prepare your hearts, minds and storerooms for the all-out war that is about to come on our faith in this country. Have nothing to do with an apostate church. Start forming your home Bible study groups now. It may soon be the only church you have.
Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed day and happy prepping!