Tonight’s movie is a must-see episode of Frontline which covers the great lengths the Bush administration had to go through to get PRISM, the NSA domestic spying program, pushed past the legal barriers imposed by the Constitution.
Is there a secret cabal working to collapse the global economy in order to usher in a global government and one-world currency?Noah Parker, like many in the United States, has been asleep at the wheel. During his complacency, the founding precepts of America have been slowly, systematically destroyed by a conspiracy that dates back hundreds of years. The signs can no longer be ignored and Noah is forced to prepare for the cataclysmic period of financial and political upheaval ahead.
The Days of Noah, Book One: Conspiracy, by Mark Goodwin is a fast paced fiction thriller where the world descends into chaos, a global empire takes shape, ancient writings are fulfilled and the last days fall upon the once great, United States of America.
Happy prepping!