It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. Dueteronomy 32:35
In last week’s Bible study, we looked at an uncommon application of doing unto others and how that verse could be applied to bullies. While I believe it is Biblical to stand up for your self, there is a fine line between self-defense and being vindictive. The biggest challenge for many Christians is maintaining a godly balance. Putting a bully in his place requires a necessary course of action that may involve a harsh talking to or even physical violence. Once the issue has been addressed or the threat has passed, further action is likely to be vindictive and God tells us to leave that up to him.
How do we discern if we’re being vengeful or if we are legitimately standing up for our rights? The best way is to maintain a constant relationship with your Creator. Through a discipline of prayer, Bible reading and worship, you can stay in persistent contact with the Holy Spirit who will guide your decisions.
Here is an easy self-test. If you are the one always standing up for your rights, make sure it’s not crossing the line into revenge. If you’re the one always turning the other cheek, make sure you’re not empowering bullies who will then be embolden to mistreat others.
If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed day and happy prepping!