Prepper Bible Study- Isaiah 26:3


“You will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

It is easy to get our eyes off of God and on to the circumstances that surround us. As preppers, we are vigilant and watchful to potential threats so we can prepare for them. The Bible calls this behavior “prudent” and describes those who don’t try to mitigate disaster as “simple”. Proverbs 22:3 says: “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”

New preppers especially can get overwhelmed by all of the things they feel they need to do to get prepared. The to do list is rather lengthy. But if you do your best and trust God for the rest, He will watch over you and make up where you fall short. The temptation is to get anxious. Instead of giving way to that emotion, we have to choose to trust God. The best way to do that is to change your focus.

We remember the story of Peter from the gospel of Matthew chapter 14. Peter is in a boat with the other disciples when he sees Jesus walking on the water. He calls to Jesus to allow him to come to him on the water. Jesus agrees and calls Peter. Peter steps out of the boat and begins to walk toward Jesus on the water. On his way, he notices the wind and the waves and becomes fearful. He immediately begins to sink. Jesus comes to him and pulls him out of the sea.

How does this apply to us? Peter was actually walking on water as long as he stayed focused on Jesus. The moment he allowed the circumstances to become his focus, he began to sink. When ever prepping begins to make you fearful and you feel like you are sinking in the sea, turn your focus back to God. The best way to do this is by reading the Bible or listening to a good teaching on the computer or your mp3 player. I maintain a healthy diet of each. I start everyday by reading a chapter or two of the Bible and listen to a few hours a week of my favorite pastor, Chuck Smith on my mp3 player. All of his sermons, which go from Genesis to Revelation, are available for free download at (The Word For Today).

If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.

Have a blessed week and happy prepping!