Sunday Prepper Bible Study- I Thessalonians 4:11-12


” Work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” I Thessalonians 4:11-12

This Bible verse encourages us to work hard with our hands. Our country grew strong through a strong work ethic. Unfortunately, many in our country have grown lazy and are satisfied with government handouts. This effect is largely due to our government getting involved in charity work. Our forefathers never intended the government to take over charity, which is the responsibility of the Church. The government robs the Church of the blessings that go along with charity. Then they rob taxpayers by taxing them to give the profits of the productive to the irresponsible. When government bureaucracy takes over, no discernment is made between the truly needy and the slothful that are just looking for a free lunch. When this is the Church’s role, they can counsel those in need and help them find a path to taking care of themselves when ever possible. They can also tell when people are looking for a hand out rather than a hand up. The Bible also says in II Thessalonians 3:10 ” If a man will not work, he shall not eat”. I believe that hunger is a great motivator. Perhaps we circumvent GOD’s lessons through government welfare programs.

Today’s Bible verse also talks about hard work as being something respectable. A generation ago, people would have been much more self conscious about having to accept help. In current times, there is an entire culture who seems proud of being able to work the system and avoid working.

In the present economy, I understand that many people have no choice but to accept what is available from the government. If you have worked hard all of your life, and now find yourself unemployed because of the economic downturn, you deserve whatever is available. You have been forced to pay into this system at gun point and that is your money they are giving you. If, however, that money had never been taken from you, it could have been saved and you would have no need of it. If you did exhaust those resources, your Church where you have tithed faithfully would be there to help you in your time of need.

Finally, our Bible verse for today says we should work hard so that we will not be dependent on anybody. The patriots that died for this country gave their lives to give us independence. It is sad to see how many of our countrymen have no respect for that independence and quickly trade it for dependence. Rather than being angry as this Robin-hood government takes from my pockets to enrich the lazy, I feel sorry for them as the lazy are slaves to a lifestyle that they will likely never escape. Until they can see the value of earning something for themselves, they will never value anything they get. It cost them nothing and it is worth nothing to them.

As our country continues to reward failure and punishes success through transfer payments, our debt will grow and the economic collapse will get closer. When there is nothing left to take and no one will lend more money to our bankrupt government, the gravy train will come to a halt. The streets will be filled with people screaming “I deserve it!” but there will be nothing left to give away. So stay diligent in your work and save what you can. Don’t get caught up in feeling like a sucker that is being taken advantage of. The Bible also says in Galatians 6:7 “GOD cannot be mocked, a man reaps what he sows”. His Word and His way will prevail. We will all reap what we sow, whether good or evil.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s Bible study. Have blessed week and happy prepping!