Sunday Prepper Bible Study: Lamentations 1



How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations! She who was queen among the provinces has now become a slave.Bitterly she weeps at night, tears are on her cheeks. Among all her lovers there is no one to comfort her. All her friends have betrayed her; they have become her enemies. Lamentations 1:1-2

The prophet Jeremiah wrote Lamentations after the prophecies God had given through him had come to pass. The word “lamentation’  comes from the word “lament” which means to express grief. Lamentations are those expressions of grief. That is basically what Jeremiah does throughout the book. He writes in a very poetic manner about the troubles that have fallen upon this once great nation that has turned its back on God. Despite the many warnings, the nation has resisted the call of God to repent. Finally, God quit calling and Israel was destroyed. The Assyrian army carried away the inhabitants of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Babylonians conquered and took captive the Southern Kingdom of Israel.

If you have never read Lamentations, I think you will find it to be an amazing book of the Bible. While it is terrible in the things that are described within it, it is  a beautifully poetic book. It is also an excellent historical reference to what happens to a nation when God’s patience finally wears out. I am always surprised by other Christians who do not see the need to prepare for potential troubles here in our country. I often wonder if they got a different copy of the Bible; one where God never calls nations into account for having forsaken him.

If I have the right translation, and I think I do, we are in for a rather crude awakening when God’s patience wears thin for America. But even in the darkest of trials, God’s love never wears out. In this dark time that Jeremiah writes, he still remembers God’s goodness in Lamentations 3:22 where he writes “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. Come back every Sunday for a new Prepper Bible Study! The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.

Have a blessed week and happy prepping!