Big Brother Knows Best

big brother

We are so fortunate to have the government here to make every decision for us. What has happened to our country that we have become so desensitized to the massive intrusion into our lives? It has seeped into every crevice of our existence. New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg outlawed the delivery of 2 liter sodas with pizza last week. What have we become? Will we allow a politician to tell us our limits of sweets?

What saddens me even more is that this level of intervention doesn’t stop in the land of the liberal left. It is tolerated in the heart of America. The Mayor of Gunthersville Alabama is seeking a city ordinance that will allow them to disarm their citizenry in a disaster. This is the time a citizen most needs his ability to defend himself. I’ll let the video finish this segment.

 Big Brother is watching out for you.

With our best interest at heart, big brother is coaxing us ever further into complacency. We are told what light bulb to buy. We are told how many bullets we can have in our guns. We are told how big our soda cans can be. My city no longer thinks a battery operated smoke alarm will suffice. To keep from having our buildings condemned, fire alarms have to be hard wired. Additional breaks in the wires increase the likelihood of an electrical fire in the first place. Common sense is thrown out the window. A food vendor in Florida can not produce food for sale in his home despite the fact you will rarely see the sights of rats and roaches in a person’s home that you see in a filthy restaurant. How much further shall we allow ourselves to be bullied into thinking we are the criminals?

Samuel Adams said:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

Stand strong and happy prepping!