Ron Paul interview on the Lew Rockwell Show.

ron paul


Dr. Paul gives us a dose of sanity to contrast the political polarization surrounding the budget cuts set to take effect today. Dr. Ron Paul has retired from congress after years of trying to wake America up from her profligate behavior. Nevertheless,  his mission is not over. He continues his fight for freedom and economic common sense. His message has always been  that one party wants to drowned us in debt by giving away our prosperity to the welfare class while the other seeks to bankrupt us through military spending that exceeds that of the rest of the world combined.

In this interview, Dr. Paul tells us that very little will change today as the cuts go into effect. Many of the  cuts are not true spending cuts, rather they are decreases in proposed spending increases. For example, lets say instead of spending 20% more on welfare programs than last year,  we will only spend 10% more than last year. Although the spending increases by 10%, we will claim it as a spending cut. We just didn’t increase spending at the rate we previously intended.

Ron Paul points out that the true issue is not the sequester. The real problems come down the road when we have to pay the piper for our reckless national lifestyle. The rate at which we have printed money since the 2008 crisis in unprecedented by our country. The fallout from these actions will be significant devaluation of the dollar.

Ron Paul has long been a warrior of freedom. If you have never read any of his books, I highly recommend “The Revolution“. It will challenge all you have been taught by the two party system that occupies our republic. Also take time to check out Campaign for It is a tremendous resource for common sense politics.

Keep fighting for liberty and happy prepping!