Sunday Prepper Bible Study Genesis 19
“With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished.” Genesis 19:15
Lot was considered righteous by God and the angels came to warn him to get out of the city before they destroyed it. Lot escaped only with his life. It sounds like a pretty good story. After all, Lot survived right? But what did he lose? Lot lost almost everything but his life!
Let’s take a closer look at Lot’s experience. His wife was unable to leave Sodom without one last look. This act of disobedience caused her to be turned to salt. Tragic for her to say the least, but now Lot was on his own, a single parent with two daughters. When Lot and Abraham parted ways in Genesis 13, it was because the two of them had become so wealthy that they could not both graze their livestock in the same place. Abraham let Lot chose the direction he would travel and Abraham took the other direction. Lot chose to pitch his tent near Sodom. When the angels escorted him out of the city, we are not told that Lot brings one single worldly possession as he had to bug out. It is my guess that Lot lost much wealth in the destruction of the city.
Now, let’s see if there were any warning sign. Is it possible that God was giving Lot some gentle nudges in the years leading up to the destruction of Sodom? Evidently, Sodom was rather infested with wickedness. After all, God saw fit to bring about quite a violent end to the city. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad when Lot first moved there. Maybe the neighborhood just started sliding down hill slowly. First they opened a little bar at the end of the street. A year later there was a palm reading shop next to a smoke shop that sold water bongs and drug paraphernalia. The following year Sodom opened a strip club and the old church became a goth night club. As you read this, the change is very obvious but perhaps for Lot, it was too slow to notice the severity of the change. He may have been the proverbial boiling frog. When you look in the mirror day after day, you are not likely to see your own hair growing but your friend who you see twice a year may say “wow, your hair grew a lot”!
Perhaps poor Lot was just never motivated enough by the slow decline to say “That is enough, I am moving out of here.” Perhaps it was just too inconvenient to take the girls out of school and start over. Isn’t it just easier to deal with things than to sell the house, find a new job and uproot the family? Besides that, the wife loves Sodom. It is really going to be a hard sell to convince her we need to move.
I am convinced, however, that God gave Lot a pretty good nudge to get out of town back in Genesis 14. In that chapter we read about Lot being kidnapped by foreign invaders. Abraham hears about the incident and comes to rescue his nephew. Lot narrowly escapes this encounter with his life. Could God have allowed this event in hopes that Lot would sell his house and seek greener pasture?
In our own lives, we can practice situational awareness by keeping a close eye on the moral decline of our city. We can be vigilant in prayer and ask God to give us a gentle nudge if it is time to move to a more conservative and lightly populated town. If you are reading Prepper Recon, you must have some inkling that things have the potential to get very bad in the future. It may cost you to make a move, but it may cost even more to stay put if you are living in a major metropolitan area.
Maybe Lot thought he was being a good husband by staying in Sodom. After all, his wife loved it so much that she had to have just one more look before they left. In the end, he failed his wife as a husband. She ended up dead. He also failed as a father by not getting his children out of town sooner. You can read the rest of the story yourself to see how the girls were affected by the loose morals of the city. They make some very troubling sexual choices at the end of Chapter 19
If you are new to prepping or would like to learn more about how to prepare for tomorrow, please read our 7 Step Preparedness Plan. The most important prep of all is knowing GOD. Jesus said “what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his own soul?” Prepper translation: “What good will it do you to survive the coming economic collapse, nuclear war or even a zombie apocalypse if you don’t know you will go to heaven when you die.” A recent study found that 10 out of 10 people die! On that day we will meet our Maker. It only makes sense to be prepared for that day. Click here to learn more about knowing GOD.
Have a blessed week and happy prepping!