Patriots-  a Novel of the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles

James Wesley Rawles is a former Army Intelligence Officer as well as a popular survivalist author. His has written “How to Survive the End of the World as We Know it” which is a basic preparedness manual. He is also the author of which is loaded with incredible prepper information. He has just released his third book in the coming collapse series entitled “Founders“. The second was “Survivors”  and “Patriots‘ was the first. The coming collapse novel series are fictional accounts of life after the collapse. We will be reviewing the latest book “Founders” very soon, but I wanted to start with the first book.

Patriots”  follows the lives of a survival group through the difficulties they face after the collapse of the financial system. The group members were convinced of the inevitability of the coming collapse and began to put away supplies to prepare for the eventual downfall. Most of the group members have been friends since college. They prepare by purchasing and fortifying a 40 acre rural retreat in Northern Idaho. One of the members has a wealth of knowledge in tactical skills and trains the group to operate like a military unit. This training pays off big time after the collapse. Rule of law breaks down and America becomes a war zone. Looters and criminals rise up as there is no formal law to control them. The group is forced to use their tactical training to defend their lives and their retreat on several occasions.

There is much more to the book than just shoot outs. “Patriots” does a fantastic job of getting into the minds of the characters and relaying the emotions they go through on a day to day basis. He walks us through their lives as they have medical issues and weddings and memorials. One of the couples in the group have a child. He describes the methods they use in delivering a baby at home. After a while, some resemblance  of normalcy rises from the ashes and trade and barter begin in a nearby town. They are able to start attending a small church and have an occasional barn dance.

“Patriots” looks at the causes of the collapse of the financial system and gives very believable account of how it will happen. It describes a complete breakdown in the value of the dollar. Nearly half of the population does not make it through the first few months. The die off is caused by starvation, lack of medical resources and violence. “Patriots”Is an excellent book to get the prepper juices flowing. More than its entertainment value, it describes in detail what you can do now to get ready for such a collapse. Read it the first time for fun, then read it again to see which ideas you can implement in you prepper plan.

James Rawles is a Christian author as well and you can rely on all of his books to be PG. They never have unnecessary graphic sex scenes, they never use GOD’s name in vain and they never have the F word.  I hope you get a chance to read “Patriots”.  It is available through Amazon on the link to the right of this blog.

Let us know what your favorite prepper fiction books are.

Have a blessed day and happy prepping!