Sunday Prepper Bible Study- Proverbs 22:7



The Bible says in Proverbs 22:7 ” The borrower is slave to the lender.” It is a simple piece of wisdom, but it is so true. The first thing that comes to my mind from this Bible verse is the word “slave”. When I think of a slave, I think of someone who works hard for the gain of someone else. If a person is paying 18% on  their credit card, in a manor of speaking, they are working to enrich the lender. The second thing I think when I hear the word “slave” is a person who is not free. Any one who is bogged down by debt is not free to make financial decisions. They are forced to make payments on their debt and are not free to allocate that money to savings, down payment on a house,  furthering their education, or vacations. The antidote is as simple as living with in your means. This requires the discipline of having a budget. Some people think of a budget as being restrictive, but it actually will free you from debt and the higher cost of purchasing  because of interest. To learn more, read our post on Budgeting.

Getting on a budget may not be the most glamorous step in prepping, but it is the most essential step. With out a good budget, prepping can actually cause a personal crisis long before a global collapse ever occurs. Overspending on prepping and getting into credit card debt will do exactly what the Bible said. You will become a slave to the lender. The main idea in preparedness is being able to take care of yourself. If you create a financial catastrophe of your own, you will limit your ability to adapt to change.

We spend a lot of time on Prepper Recon talking about saving, investing and prepping on a budget. The Bible encourages us to be good stewards of what GOD has blessed us with. You can be prepared with out going into debt. One of the best tools to prepping on a budget is couponing. Mrs Recon has put together some great tips and a very comprehensive set of links on our Coupon Corner. Couponing will also allow you to get some items absolutely free.

Freedom from debt allows us to be free to give and be charitable. When you are a month behind on credit card  bills, it is not very likely that you will have anything to share with those in need. James 1:27  tells us to look after those who can not take care of themselves. If we are buried in debt, we are not free to be obedient to that Bible verse.

The Bible encourages us to be responsible with our money. Getting on a budget will take some effort, but the rewards are worth it. You will be more free to live a self sufficient life and be in a better position to help others.

Have a blessed week and happy prepping!