Threat Assessment- Loss Of National Sovereignty

national sovereignty


I don’t think many of Americans spend much time thinking about National Sovereignty. This is probably the primary reason it is a threat. Even some practical preppers are a bit dismissive to the threat to national sovereignty. Many seem to regard it as a tin foil hat topic. As you might expect, we hear very little about national sovereignty in the mainstream media outlets on either side of the political fence.

Fortunately, there are a few patriots standing on the wall with their eyes wide open.  Conservative Constitutionalist Senator Rand Paul has led the charge against Hillary Clinton  who has strongly advocated the UN Arms Trade Treaty which has been reported to contain language that would interfere with or override our 2cnd Amendment. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky was successful in gathering enough support against ratifying the treaty that it was not agreed upon. Senator Rand Paul has also fought against foreign aid which is used as bribe money that is usually paid out to enemy states. He may be our best hope for freedom in the 2016 Presidential election.

More recently, Fox News has reported on the UN’s aspirations of a global tax. In this article from, it is reported that the UN is seeking to tax all billionaires at a rate of 1%. They are seeking to tax all currency trading in US dollars, Euros, Yen, and Pound Sterling. The UN is also seeking to tax mineral resources that are extracted more than 100 miles away from any country’s shore.

This would be a major power grab by the UN and entitle them to taxes from deep sea oil rigs. Once their foot is in the door, they will pry themselves into every area of our lives and decimate our national sovereignty. Tax revenues are often used to raise armies. Perhaps they are positioning themselves for the inevitable collapse of the US economy. With taxing authority, they could easily build a military and step into the power vacuum left by the meltdown of the US. At any rate, granting taxing authority to the UN is a step in the direction of a one world government, loss of US national sovereignty and global governance.

There is someone else who is seeking to raise taxes; Lubbock County Judge Tom Head is looking to raise extra revenue for his county. His reasons are quite different from those of the UN. This Texas Judge  is looking to train and arm his sheriffs department to stand up to UN troops in the event of an unconstitutional surrender of national sovereignty by the Executive branch.  Here is the video from the Lubbock Fox affiliate, FOX 34.

Stay awake preppers. The Bible says “The complacency of fools will destroy them” Proverbs 1:32.  Our freedom wasn’t free; we owe it to those who gave everything, to guard it with vigilance. Write your Congressman and Senators and let them know you want the UN out of America and you want America out of the UN!

Happy Prepping!