Children of the State
With all of the attention to our personal freedoms being thrown out the window lately, we must not forget the fight for our children. The liberal left is winning in getting a consensus on their opinion that your children belong to the state, not you. Between the shock and awe of learning that the DOJ is targeting the free press, the IRS is persecuting groups whose opinions differ from those of the administration and the NSA violating your personal privacy, we could get distracted from an important battle on another front.
Back in April, the liberal propaganda agency AKA MSNBC began promoting the idea that children belong to the state. This is the same notion that prevails in Cuba where children are taken away from their families and sent to work on farms from age 11. Beyond the threat of having your children sent to work camps, you are also losing your ability to make medical decisions about your children.
FOX News, which is predominately a a Neo-Con propaganda outlet that promotes the warfare state had excellent coverage of the couple in California whose child was ripped from its mother’s arms by police. The couple had taken the child to the emergency room where the doctor told them the baby needed surgery. The parents wanted to get a second opinion on the surgery. The hospital notified family services who came to the couple’s home with police to take the baby. The video below gives all the details.
I admit to watching FOX on occasion. Stossel does produce some eye opening news worthy programs. While of the three major news outlets, FOX may be the cleanest dirty shirt, they are still a dirty shirt. No media outlet is perfect. RT produces better quality news programs than the big three, but even there, you have to watch out for a slightly leftist spin on occasion. We have lots of good alternative media on our links page and our economy links page. Sorry to digress from the subject, but I must put in my disclaimer when I cite other news outlets.
Keep your eyes open. Tyranny is assaulting us on every side. We have to defend our rights and our children. Don’t get caught in the “right” “left” squabble. Watch what your Congressmen and Senators do; not what letter proceeds their name. Senator Rand Paul is fighting for freedom. He is initiating a lawsuit to shut down the NSA Prism program. Retired Congressman Ron Paul is still very active in fighting for freedom. Ron Paul has developed his own home school curriculum to help your children be free from the socialist Common Core curriculum that is being used to brainwash the children of the state.
Happy Prepping